Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, CA

A rhinoplasty is an aesthetic procedure used to change the shape and size of the nose. In addition, it can help improve breathing function in some patients. Beverly Hills, CA plastic surgeon Dr. Nicholas Do is a seasoned cosmetic face and nose surgeon who offers rhinoplasty, taking a conservative approach to produce the most beautiful and natural-looking outcomes. Although rhinoplasty consists of delicate changes, results usually are appealing and dramatic. Rhinoplasty at Nicholas Do, MD can be recommended to make a nose look smaller in size or enhance a nose that is aesthetically unappealing due to size, shape, or deformity. The goal is to allow for a more aesthetically pleasing nose that meets your goals and functions properly. Learn more about cosmetic rhinoplasty, and contact Nicholas Do, MD to schedule an appointment for a consultation.

Nose surgery is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. There are various surgical techniques, depending on what is being addressed. Dr. Do performs nose surgery with either an open or closed technique. The objective during the procedure is to reduce excess cartilage, tissue, and bone, or to build and increase cartilage for a new shape. The nasal features are repositioned while the skin is reformed and draped over the newly enhanced framework. Stitches are positioned either on the inside portion of the nose or within the natural external crease.

Undergoing rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, CA at Nicholas Do, MD can result in a number of superficial and practical advantages, such as:

  • Mending a deviated septum
  • Revising nasal airways for easier breathing
  • Reshaping the nostrils
  • Lessening the end of the nose
  • Diminishing or growing the entire scale of your nose
  • Optimizing general balance for a more symmetrical appearance
  • Shrinking your nasal bridge


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Nose surgery is a great idea to address the displeasure you may feel when looking in the mirror at your facial profile. If you're dissatisfied with the size and shape of your nose or have breathing issues, rhinoplasty may help. Nose surgery is a popular cosmetic treatment with high success rates. Dr. Do aims to reshape your nose so your entire face appears more proportionate and attractive. Even small tweaks can make a huge difference. We invite you to call Nicholas Do, MD in Beverly Hills, CA, and schedule a consultation.

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